Tuesday, September 22, 2015


I am highly against bullying. I used to be bullied way back when I was a little kid. Apparently, bullying causes a lot of harm and ill feelings for the victim.

First things first, it's important to understand bullies. It's always key to understand that a bully only bullies to find somebody else suffering with them. Somebody enjoying themselves with all of the blessings in life wouldn't go out of their way to harm somebody else. (Unless they're sadists)

Usually, bullying only happens while in person, but now, when electronic devices began to uproot social conflict and improve the ability to spread rumors and directly offend while hiding behind a screen, bullying became a more accessible thing to do.

Back in my day, even though I'm still pretty young, bullying was done the old fashion way, where you REALLY get hurt and really get punched. (Nowadays, punches harm people through words on a screen) And after a while, you start to get used to it:




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Pretty much, you can find a cyberbully anywhere. Wherever you find a social media website, you'll find somebody sending bad messages from behind the safety of their home. The funny thing is: they're so sweet to your face and will try to cover up what happened by twisting what they meant or something.

I have yet to see the day that a cyberbully talk trash to somebody's face.

Bullies always have that posse or clique going. Unless the bully is super cocky, or bigger than you, they will feel the need to hide behind a group of friends that are willing to protect them, no matter how wrong they are.

So, how can one avoid bullying? Is it easy? Is it hard? Is it simple?

The answers are no, yes, ,and no. It's hard.

Step 1.
Understand your bully and why they are fighting you.

Step 2.
Think about if this is a situation where you'll have to stand up for yourself and defend yourself. Do you need to fight or do something to make them leave you alone? (If so, take extreme action so that they never try it again)

Step 3.
Evaluate if your bullying really affects you. Do you have to let their bullying affect you? If it's cyberbullying, turn of your laptop. You don't HAVE to read the lies or posts about you. Also, don't let their small snide remarks or the gossip they let you hear make you think they are preoccupied with you. Have a thick skin.

Step 4.
Find the right help.

Bullying greatly affected me. This was primarily because I was unable to understand why I was being bullied. If you're being bullied, it's never your fault. Remember that whatever the bully suffers, they don't want to go through it alone.

Finally, have a group of friends for yourself. You don't find a bully taking on victims 1v1. Have a clique around you all the time to avoid person-to-person conflict. If not a clique, at least a best friend. And remember that the best anti bullying friend is a pet. A big, aggressive pet.

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