Saturday, January 16, 2016


Life. Everybody knows that life can be really hard on you...

Life can give you ups and downs, but it primarily chooses to give you downs. Studies have been constructed to provide evidence that life is a troll.

Apparently, life can get messy. How do you handle those days when you're sad and people are just messing with you on PURPOSE? Those days when you just try to do your own thing but everybody is coming to YOU with something to ruin your day?


What about days when you try to do something, but everything goes wrong?

First off, understand that it's possible that you don't get ticked off and become a depressed bum who chills out in his mom's basement for the rest of his life, reliving that ONE day when that ONE guy ticked him off.

(Don't feel bad if you're already there because there's no place like home where you get all of the cookies and brownies)

Second, understand that you can turn those messy days all the way around.

Way #1. 

Watch really cute animals that will make you explode with cuteness!

Like these:

Way #2:

Give yourself a little sugar

Way #3:

Watch some people falling down and getting hurt. (Not for the faint of heart)


After trying all of these ways, you're sure to be all set. If not, there's always something called achievement. The concept of achievement is really difficult to grasp in a short while. It basically goes something like this:


Root: How am I supposed to know?


Pretty much, it's kinda like when you spend a whole lot of your time doing boring, repetitive, dumb things for a loooong while, bro. And then, you kinda like....lemme see how to word this... You just wanna look and show off the thing that you spent so much time on to show how much time you kinda wasted on what it was that you achieved I think. And then you force your mind into being happy by seeing the thing you "achieved"

Achievement can look pretty cool if it's for cool things

However, most of the time achievement is done in something boring like math, work, chemistry, math, work, or chemistry.

It's some common theory that achieving something big will help you feel happy. I shouldn't really even mention this whole "achievement" thing, but I have to because it's part of the "steps to feelings happy" thing I googled up. I'm sure it's credible, too. On top of that, life trolls always screw up big achievements, which makes achievement a dangerous factor to try, anyways.

It would be nice to be able to kill the life troll, too.

Although the best method would be laser beams, that can't happen.

So, what's a life troll's greatest weakness and what do life trolls want?
Life trolls just wanna mess you up. They carry the world's worst weapon of mass destruction, too.....lemons. Lemons are known to man to be what causes sour happenings.

Lemon exxtreemme is a great weapon. It basically destroys your entire mood with its sourness. Life trolls value this greatly because humans have a taste for sugar.

So, with this comes the greatest weakness of life trolls. LEMONADE!!!!

It's statistically proven that life trolls will leave you alone if you find a way to make their lemons into some nice LEMONADA! You can always trust statistics, too!

Anyways, trolls just can't stand seeing somebody turning a sour situation into a good one. They get so upset if their troll fails that they spend the next year just doing nothing but avoiding you just in case they may fail again.

So, ultimately, the key to having a troll free life is to make lemonade.