Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Next Level

What does it take to become an all star pro in life?

How do you impress people and become the most amazing person people know?

Practice makes perfect. You can just keep trying and practicing until your level of skills reach here:

Right now, you're probably like:

But believe it or not, somersaults are possible if you believe!!

Now, all of those amazing skills are for those willing to practice and try hard. I'm too lazy for that:

YET, I still have proven to be awesome......

I took a lie detector test about that, too:

I easily detected that the machine is lying so hard.

Anyways, what does it take to become an awesome person? How can you become the coolest kid on the block?? (Without owning the most crayons)

I've found the answer:
                          LEMON EXTREEEMMEE!!!!                                                    

And yes, that answer is real. It has no particular meaning because I didn't fact check lemon extreeemmee, but I'm sure that lemon extreeemmee is still a good enough argument.

Pretty much, you should take lemon extreeemmee as an example. He doesn't talk, move, express emotions, or do anything. Why? It's because lemon extreeemmee is really really relaxed. He doesn't have to care about anything, and that's what will make a person awesome.

Becoming awesome needs you to unleash your inner "I don't care" attitude.

If you don't let anything bother you, you'll find that you will:

1. Become really relaxed and happier.
2. People will want to hang out with you because you're happy and they like happiness.
3. # Replaced Item
4. You will be able to enjoy things deeply.

Number three was that you can show how awesome you are to the people around you, but it would have been unfair to leave that there. Some people are naturally not as awesome as others. (Awesome people just know how to strut their stuff better)

Sometimes, people will want to be cool by doing something illegal or plain stupid. For example:

Back in my high school days, I heard about people bragging that they smoked, did crack, and....some REALLY inappropriate stuff which needs to be censored, and I thought it wasn't cool. They did for some reason.....

After all, how can a high school teen looking like this be cool?:

In fact, cool today is on a whole new level of cool. When I was in kindergarten, being cool was how many crayons you had. I recently met a five year old kindergarten student with an iPhone 6 PLUS. (And it made my ancient Samsung thing I don't even know the model of look very bad!)

Things change really quickly, but the rules to being cool haven't ever changed. They're fundamental and based on psychological biology! You have to think about how the body's coolness it taken in by the human brain, while using physics and entomology and more. THEN, you'll get it, but I don't want to confuse you now.

Here's a very simple picture for users to understand how to be more like LEMON EXTREEEMMEE!!!!!!!!

It's all about not letting things get to you. If you don't give a crap about all of the nonsense around you, you'll find that you're totally going to be able to look cool to everybody. More importantly, you'll find that you really can just become a happier person in general.

If the coolest kid in your school comes to brag about something and tells you about his latest expensive thing:

Say: "I don't care bro." and walk away

If a reality T.V. show gives you an offer to get paid to act for them:

Say: "I don't care bro." and walk away

If the U.S. President invites you to dinner:

Say: "I don't care bro." and walk away

If you are offered to get 1 billion dollars for free:


And then:

Say: "I don't care bro." and walk away  (With the money in hand)

Not caring and not letting things affect you are going to make you a cooler person. Being lax and laid-back are all it takes to become a cool person:

It's easy and simple. Or you could choose to spend time actually DOING cool things!

After all, who would like to work their entire lives to do things like this to be cool?: