Tuesday, July 7, 2015



This legendary word comes from the latin or german root word chocolatticus, which means something that could mean "eat this because it is the tastiest." It is the supreme form of sweetness, 5-9% of your daily intake of some good things-(which I totally just googled up to make sure it's credible), and a very nice taste.

Chocolate is my favorite food. I would consume it every day, but for totally NOT healthiness related consumption situations, I don't, because chocolate is too healthy.

I have prepared an entire argument just to boost support of the chocolate community. I won't even produce the science behind chocolate because that would wipe out the competition:

Clearly, it means something to have such a shape with geometric figures. Clearly, this is why chocolate can take the form of cake, fudge, and other cakes and fudge and syrup and many other untold forms.

Chocolate, surprisingly, contains quite some iron and zinc. Iron helps blood cells and muscles store oxygen. The iron is primarily found in unsweetened cocoa powder, and the cocoa powder could be used in plenty of different places to add the nutty and attractively bitter chocolate taste.Chocolate is grown near the equator and not near many other places.

In conclusion, chocolate is a very tasty thing and this entire blog was made for you to try it.